macro_rules! impl_display { ($ty:ty; $format:literal) => { ... }; ($ty:ty; $format:literal, $($args:expr),+) => { ... }; ($ty:ty; $format:literal, $($args:expr),+ ,) => { ... }; }
Expand description
Implements Display
for structs using a format!
-like string constructor.
Display implementation can be just a string literal.
struct Hello;
impl_more::impl_display!(Foo; "hello world");
assert_eq!(Hello.to_string(), "hello world");
Explicit and inline format args are supported.
struct Hello2;
impl_more::impl_display!(Foo; "hello world {}", 2);
assert_eq!(Hello2.to_string(), "hello world 2");
const HI: &str = "hello"
struct Hello3;
impl_more::impl_display!(Foo; "{HI} world");
assert_eq!(Foo.to_string(), "hello world");