Meeting 13.1.2025
- Markus
- Jannis (Meeting Notes done)
- Stefanie
- Filip
- Johannes
- Christoph
Not here:
- Andrei
- Stefanie & Christoph
- Jannis & Andrei
- Filip & Johannes (Infrastructure)
- Lukas & Jannis (Project)
- 09:00 start
- Meeting Notes: Stefanie
- buddy talks?
- Infrastructure: Fr 17. 16:00 oder Sa. 18. 10:00
- emergencies: cannot move plants
- smoke e2e tests also against productive (with removal of maps)
- h1 bring back
- only Stefanie and Christoph approved
- Bachelor Arbeit 2025
- write about any use of AI within written text
- split approach/impl
- Jürgen Cito als betreuer, mich als co
- Focus: Evaluation, data handling
- references
- AI: impl code?
- AI: overleaf
- get MRs ready to merge
- reviews!
- scraper MRs merge order?
- coding
- more regression testing
- keep code stupid
- revisit dependencies
- logging/telemetry
- access control, read-only
- avoid useEffect in hooks
- Brainstorming: which new thesis?
- collaboration: usability: anderen cursor sehen
- UI cleaner (Stef)
- AI?
- constraint solver plant placement? auto-suggestions
- elastic search? saisonal passende
- JS size?
- website upgrading? (black page)
- GIS operations
- optimierungen
- plant diversity
- auth/access control
- offline
- mobile -> tablet
- copy and paste? or remembering viewing state?
- gamification (permacoins, publish via SSE)
- Permakultur Magazin Artikel
- buddy task:
- review of related work
- Johannes&Filip disconnect
- Task Board
To be done until Thursday 16.12.2024 23:59:
- buddy task: review related work
- review requested MRs, including meeting MR
- complete your issues or state in the issue any block/alternative
- create/update issues for yourself
Do as needed:
- request reviews
- submit a page of text in submissions
- get MRs done
Meeting Notes
- 09:00 start
- Protocol: Stefanie
- from now we write more details in the meeting notes
- we copy all Agenda down initially
- buddy talks?
- Christoph and Stef have a meeting to write together at 11 every friday, feel free to join :)
- We're ready to get back into working.
- Infrastructure Meeting will be on Sa. 18. 10:00
- emergencies: cannot move plants, probably needs dev->master merge
- smoke e2e tests also against productive (with removal of maps)
- h1 bring back pipeline can get cancelled, investigate why that happens
- only Stefanie and Christoph approved
- Bachelor Arbeit 2025
- write about any use of AI within written text where exactly does that start? Just reformed text? What about code that was created with the help of AI?
- split approach/impl
- Jürgen Cito als betreuer, mich als co
- Focus: Evaluation, data handling
- references
- get MRs ready to merge
- reviews!
- scraper MRs merge order?
- coding
- more regression testing
- keep code stupid writing code is way easier than debugging it, so try to keep it as simple as possible!
- revisit dependencies
- logging/telemetry
- access control, read-only
- avoid useEffect in hooks
- Brainstorming: which new thesis?
- refactor?
- AI?
- constraint solver plant placement?
- elastic search?
- JS size?
- website upgrading? (black page)
- GIS idempotent API? -> no, better fix with locks
- optimierungen
- plant diversity
- auth/access control
- offline
- mobile
- copy and paste? or remembering viewing state?
- gamification (permacoins, publish via SSE)
- Permakultur Magazin Artikel
- buddy task:
- review of related work
- Johannes&Filip disconnect
- Task Board