Meeting 20.1.2025
- Markus
- Stefanie (Meeting Notes done)
- Andrei
- Johannes
- Christoph
- Jannis (Meeting Notes done)
Was not here:
- Filip
- Stefanie & Christoph
- Jannis & Andrei
- Filip & Johannes (Infrastructure)
- Lukas & Jannis (Project)
- 09:00 start
- Meeting Notes: Andrei
- status, blockages
- tips for 40h, worksday
- (manual) test cases
- at least for every regression/bug report
- brainstorming: smaller and cross-cutting issues where help is needed?
- telemetry
- logging
- i18n
- caching
- security
- unassigned issues
- next time/buddy talk: amazing tools and skills we have
- Infrastructure: Sa. 18. 10:00
- Johannes&Filip disconnect
- Development Board
Not Discussed
- CI (Filip)
- login fixes
- dev green again+new map
- (manual) test cases
- prioritize
To be done until Thursday 23.01.2025 23:59:
- buddy task: review related work
- review requested MRs, including meeting MR
- complete your issues or state in the issue any block/alternative
- create/update issues for yourself
Do as needed:
- request reviews
- submit a page of text in submissions
- get MRs done
Meeting Notes
- 09:00 start
- Meeting Notes: Andrei
- status, blockages
- Andrei:
- Progress with tasks
- Remember view state MR pipeline failing, some investigation done and issue potentially narrowed down, still some debugging needed to see what goes wrong (page not loading)
- Christoph:
- last week not much progress
- updated scraper data issue
- submitted some text to submissions
- Johannes:
- build server issues
- adding e2e tests
- Stefanie:
- Investigating JS Bundle size
- Image retrieval optimisation
- Andrei:
- Tips for how to balance full-time job and PermaplanT
- Andrei:
- context-switching is a big hurdle, need some in-between activity to take my mind off work and give space for PermaplanT, easy/early wins
- tasks that can be done with quickly that then give more motivation to continue
- Christoph: have days fully focused on PermaplanT, not mix them, also don't check work-related stuff while working on PermaplanT
- Johannes: for now did not find the balance and how to disconnect from work, or disconnect from the thesis work when not working on it
- Stefanie: dedicated time-slot for PermaplanT work, mixing everything did not work as time is not the only resource
- Andrei:
- CI (Filip)
- login fixes
- dev green again+new map
- (manual) test cases
- for every regression
- prioritize
- brainstorming: smaller and cross-cutting issues where help is needed?
- key bindings -> not a concern, Andrei already working on it
- unit testing -> some additional work could be useful addition to e2e
- separate pipeline for some sort of monitoring tests/smoke tests - Johannes could do this
- telemetry
- logging - could be improved, maybe some combined logging Frontend/Backend
- i18n - status is found okay
- caching
- security
- unassigned issues
- intro to submissions was closed: everyone has the template set up already
- next time/buddy talk: amazing tools and skills we have
- Infrastructure meeting with Filip: Sa. 18. 10:00
- Johannes disconnect
- Development Board
- Andrei
- need to write more (RQ/methods + related work) -> stick to a time limit and finish in that time
- Collaboration UC -> triage 'view-only' mode -> will be assigned to someone else
- triage for keybinding tasks
- 'build error' and 'plant attributes...' will be solved
- continue investigation on 'Remember view state' issue
- Christoph
- Scraper - priority on hierarchy access (for Lukas) and roadmap creation
- Submission text review (also for others' texts), write related work
- Jannis
- wrote some text for the thesis, need reviews
- still to reproduce running test script on our server infrastructure
- some issues still open in the issue board
- First fix ordering of actions and
- finalize benchmarking tool, then
- rerun tests on our server infrastructure
- Stefanie
- merge MR in submissions
- clarify future issues, pick what to do next or what should be un-assigned
- test credentials needed for Bug Report (React DevTools)
- Andrei
- final general remarks:
- for any open tasks, always write if there is progress or investigation
- merge MRs in submission if happy with the reviews, better to then open a new one for new text