Scope: Relation Layer
Level: User Goal
Actors: App User
Brief: The user can add, edit, move and hide relations.
Assignee: Stefanie
The user has opened the app and has selected the relations layer.
Main success scenario:
Relations are individual elements or connect two elements, that are removed or added when adding, moving, removing, deleting or modifying elements on the map:
Crop rotation
another plant is at the same spot in future (+-)
nearby companion or antagonist (+-)
temporal beneficial or destructive relation (+-)
shade mismatch (-)
hydrology mismatch (-)
plant is on unsuitable or beneficial zone (+-)
The user successfully adds, edits, moves and hides relations.
Alternative scenario:
The user accidentally adds, edits, moves or hides the wrong relations and uses the app's undo function to correct the mistake.
Error scenario:
The user's map shows the relations as desired, or hides all of them if the layer has visibility off.
Non-functional Constraints:
Performance: more than 10000 elements per year and per alternative should be usable without noticeable delays and acceptable memory overhead
it gets dynamically generated based on alternatives
while doing drag and drop of plants , relations are shown anyway.
Environmental Constraints:
relations are generated and stored in backend