Meeting 03.02.2025
- Markus
- Stefanie
- Andrei
Did not come:
- Filip
Cannot come:
- Johannes
- Christoph
- Stefanie & Christoph & Andrei
- Filip & Johannes (Infrastructure)
- Lukas & Jannis (Project)
- 09:00 start
- Meeting Notes: Stefanie
- buddy talk: amazing tools and skills we have
- MR Reviews
- report from project
- Scientific English
- CI report
- buddy talk next time: strength+support
- validation
- Development Board
Outlook: Next Meeting
- buddy talk: strength+support
- Retrospective
Open Topics
- mark if there are notes in the plant label?
- customizable plant label
To be done until Thursday 06.02.2025 23:59:
- buddy talk: strength+support
- review requested MRs, including meeting MR
- complete your issues or state in the issue any block/alternative
- create/update issues for yourself
Do as needed:
- request reviews
- submit a page of text in submissions
- get MRs done
Meeting Notes
- 09:00 start
- Meeting Notes: Stefanie
- buddy talk: report from amazing tools and skills we have:
- trying out copilot integration, for generating color palettes
- note that trying out tools, also takes time
- MR Reviews
- don't invite everyone
- instead specific invitation, with specific checks
- describe which manual tests you already did
- project:
- board was added on (for Lukas & Jannis)
- first issue: working on access control
- backend should return 404 for maps with no access, so it should be handled as a map not existing
- Scientific English:
- simple rule: ' only for possessive, so it can only be "its"
- Methods should not have anything about approach or implementation
- answer only one RQ (sub-RQs are okay)
- approach vs. methodology: approach is about how how the software does something, methodology is just how you run and measure the software
- CI
- next meeting?
- build errors
- make dev green again+new map 1
- Maintenance Time Slots?
- 09:30 short break
- Extra Meetings February?
- Project: done
- Infrastructure: open
- Retrospective: next week (see Outlook above)
- buddy talk next time: strength+support
- where lie your strengths? where do you need support?
- 10:00 break
- validation documentation:
- rust vs ts: for rust null is an empty value, TS does prefer undefined for optional values (.? operator)
- but in other cases, null gets passed through
- so we need to adapt documentation of architecture again