Meeting 17.02.2025
- Markus
- Stefanie
- Johannes
- Filip
Could not come:
- Christoph
- Andrei
- Stefanie & Christoph & Andrei
- Filip & Johannes (Infrastructure)
- Lukas & Jannis (Project)
- 09:00 start
- Meeting Notes: Stefanie
- buddy talk: strength+support
- retrospective:
- next buddy talk: how to relax best
- also approve even if you wrote meeting notes
- Tasks for Everyone
- update of submissions
- Shared Calender?
- reminder für NC termine 2 tage davor
- Filip+Johannes bye
- pictures of plants, NC pictures/icons, performance?
- Konva Warning
- Development Board
Tasks for Everyone
To be done until Thursday 20.02.2025 23:59:
- create MR that updates of submissions repo
- contact data
- nextcloud login name (is a long hexcode for keycloak accounts)
- hour when you usually work (for your commitment!)
- buddy talk: how to relax (experiences from self study):
- sport (running on spot etc.)
- what you enjoy (showering etc.)
- meditate (observe breath/body scan etc.)
- doing nothing
- review requested MRs, including meeting MR
- complete your issues or state in the issue any block/alternative
- create/update issues for yourself
Do as needed:
- request reviews
- submit a page of text in submissions
- get MRs done
- migrations get frozen:
- last MR that changes existing migrations is !1500
Meeting Notes
- buddy talk strength+support:
- better issues: write to issues which are unclear to you
- review check for documentation
- much other overhead
- retrospective:
- if you notice, that something is more complicated than it should be, please say it!
- maybe shorter notes?
- terminumfrage+
- next buddy talk: how to relax best: do a self study how to 'switch modes', try exercising, shaking, something you enjoy, meditate, etc., set a timer for 10-15min
- also approve even if you wrote meeting notes
- Tasks for Everyone (see above)
- Shared Calender?
- will be discussed next week
- update of submissions: (see above)
- Johannes+Filip bye
- pictures of plants, NC pictures/icons, performance?
- glossary: images (instead of pictures or images)
- we stay with Nextcloud also for icons, performance is okay
- Konva Warning
- Stef will have a look