Use Case: Watering Layer


  • Scope: Watering Layer
  • Level: User Goal
  • Actors: App User
  • Brief: The user can log watering events for parts of or the entire garden to track watering history and improve plant care.
  • Assignee: Lukas


  • Precondition:
    • The user has opened the app and has selected the watering layer.
  • Main success scenario:
    • The user brushes permanent infrastructure:
      • roofs etc. (watering needed despite of rain)
      • automatic irrigation (no watering needed there)
    • The user logs a watering event:
      • by selecting individual plants
      • by brushing over the map
      • for all parts of the map which are defined (for e.g. rain, automatic watering, regular watering routine)
    • The app saves the watering event with the current date.
    • The watering history is visible to the user, providing an overview of past watering events.
  • Alternative scenario:
    • The user accidentally adds, edits or moves an element and uses "undo" or "delete" functionality to correct the mistake.
    • The map is in read-only state, then the user cannot add, edit, move or remove anything.
  • Error scenario:
    • The user attempts to log a watering event with invalid data (e.g., negative water amount).
  • Postconition:
    • The watering history is updated, and the user can review the information to make informed decisions about watering plants in the future.
  • Non-functional Constrains:
    • is a brushing layer
    • The watering management feature should be easy to use and understand.
    • The feature should work offline, allowing users to log watering events without an internet connection and synchronize the data when the connection is reestablished.