The user has opened the app and has selected the watering layer.
Main success scenario:
The user brushes permanent infrastructure:
roofs etc. (watering needed despite of rain)
automatic irrigation (no watering needed there)
The user logs a watering event:
by selecting individual plants
by brushing over the map
for all parts of the map which are defined (for e.g. rain, automatic watering, regular watering routine)
The app saves the watering event with the current date.
The watering history is visible to the user, providing an overview of past watering events.
Alternative scenario:
The user accidentally adds, edits or moves an element and uses "undo" or "delete" functionality to correct the mistake.
The map is in read-only state, then the user cannot add, edit, move or remove anything.
Error scenario:
The user attempts to log a watering event with invalid data (e.g., negative water amount).
The watering history is updated, and the user can review the information to make informed decisions about watering plants in the future.
Non-functional Constrains:
is a brushing layer
The watering management feature should be easy to use and understand.
The feature should work offline, allowing users to log watering events without an internet connection and synchronize the data when the connection is reestablished.