Meeting 24.02.2025
- Markus
- Stefanie
- Andrei
- Christoph
Could not come:
- Johannes
- Filip
- Stefanie & Christoph & Andrei
- Filip & Johannes (Infrastructure)
- Lukas & Jannis (Project)
- 09:00 start
- Meeting Notes: Andrei
- buddy talk: how to relax best
- next buddy talk: how to relax best
- when next meeting?
- Content of Approach
- hopefully last time: merge master into dev
- colors
- short break
- weird errors
- error loading pictures
- Konva Warning
- create MR update of submissions
- Tasks for Everyone
- Development Board
Tasks for Everyone
To be done until Thursday 27.02.2025 23:59:
- create MR that updates of submissions repo
- contact data
- nextcloud login name (is a long hexcode for keycloak accounts)
- hour when you usually work (for your commitment!)
- review requested MRs, including meeting MR
- complete your issues or state in the issue any block/alternative
- create/update issues for yourself
Do as needed:
- request reviews
- submit a page of text in submissions
- get MRs done
Meeting Notes
- buddy talk: how to relax best
- We'll keep the topic one more time: with one relaxation technique/meditation and then talk about that
- keep the call for next week, maybe again just with Andrei and Stef
- Content of Approach:
- first establish context (what are we talking about)
- then establish terms (what is needed to explain)
- a big struggle: what is necessary to mention and what is just too much detail
- maybe say what you will say soon
- explain the approach (algorithm, state diagram, ...)
- should be an 'abstraction' of the implementation and not the 'code' implementation itself
- important to establish terminology (for example 'lazy loading' -> what is 'lazy'? )
- maybe conclude what was just said
- stats
- documentation is praised
- over 1000 issues already
- dev/master branch:
- get master MRs ready (there is none!)
- merge master into dev
- merging Master -> Dev can be done already, the remaining issues and MRs need to be retargeted to Dev
- We will work only on Dev until it's ready to be merged into Master
- CORS issues: don't use same browser to look at dev and mr
- colors:
- we liked stef colors
- some fine-tuning with duplicated gray and brown
- maybe blue <-> yellow for moisture
- maybe red for sealed soil (as it is always red on the heatmap, too)
- error handling:
- error loading pictures
- error handling for why autoscaling is not working
- make new issue for errors regarding loading pictures
- Andrei will investigate
- Konva Warning: was not discussed)
- Stef will investigate
- create MR update of submissions
- Tasks for Everyone
- Development Board