The user has opened the app and has selected the fertilization layer.
Main success scenario:
The user successfully adds, edits, moves and removes fertilizers in their map in the fertilization layer.
Fertilizers can be drawn using brushes of different sizes.
The user can write a note which fertilization was used.
Alternative scenario:
The user accidentally edits, moves or removes an element and uses undo to correct the mistake.
The user accidentally adds an element and deletes it with the "delete" or "undo" functionality.
The map is in read-only state, then the user cannot add, edit, move or remove anything.
Error scenario:
If the user encounters technical issues or errors while using the fertilization layer, the platform should display an error message and allow the user to try again.
The user has successfully added, edited, moved, removed and deleted fertilizers in the fertilization layer.
Non-functional Constraints:
Is a brushing layer
Offline availability
Performance: Map sizes with more than 1ha in 10000 raster elements (m²) per year should be usable without noticeable delays and acceptable memory overhead