- Scope: Plants Layer
- Level: User Goal
- Actors: App User
- Brief: Display and change of plant attributes.
- Precondition:
- The App User has a map with plants and the plant layer is active.
- Main success scenario:
- When selecting a plant, attributes of the plant are shown in the left bottom toolbar with icons and a short description.
- Attributes can also be removed or edited.
- Alternative scenario:
- When the App User selects multiple plants, it shows:
- the attribute if all selected plants have the same attribute, or
- an empty placeholder, if some plants have different attributes.
- Error scenario:
- The call to get the attributes fails and no icons, descriptions or input fields are shown.
- A toast with an error message is shown to the App User.
- Postcondition:
- The attributes are shown when a plant is selected and on unselect the panel on the left closes.
- Edited/Deleted attributes are persistent.
- The undo operation also works on attribute changes.
- Non-functional constraints:
- The icons and descriptions should be user-friendly and easy to understand.
- They should not create clutter and should be designed in a way that's space efficient but also visually pleasing.
- functions: ecological and environmental functions of the plant (e.g. nitrogen fixer)
- herbaceous/woody: plant physiology, whether plant grows woody parts or remain soft
- life cycle: life span of the plant
- drought tolerance
- edible
- edible parts
- warning: important information regarding the plant for humans, animals or environmental well-being (e.g. toxicity)
- sowing outdoors: time period for sowing the plant outdoors
- harvest: time period of harvesting the plant